snickerdoodles wrote in dailyhowimet Feb 15, 2011 14:46
character: marcus eriksen, season: 6, location: st. cloud, character: marshall eriksen, character: ted mosby, type: picspam, year: 2011, lol: marshall, episode: 6x15 oh honey, location: the apartment, guest star: ned rolsma
snickerdoodles wrote in dailyhowimet Feb 13, 2011 07:56
character: honey, location: the bar, guest star: katy perry, season: 6, location: st. cloud, character: marshall eriksen, type: picspam, year: 2011, episode: 6x15 oh honey
snickerdoodles wrote in dailyhowimet Feb 12, 2011 14:04
character: marcus eriksen, season: 6, location: st. cloud, character: marshall eriksen, type: picspam, year: 2011, episode: 6x15 oh honey, lol: minnesota, guest star: ned rolsma
snickerdoodles wrote in dailyhowimet Dec 27, 2010 15:34
character: lily aldrin, location: marshall and lily's apartment, season: 6, episode: 6x12 false positive, relationship: marshall/lily, lol: lily, year: 2010, character: marshall eriksen, type: picspam, lol: marshall
snickerdoodles wrote in dailyhowimet Dec 17, 2010 17:11
barney: master of awesomeness, episode: 6x05 architect of destruction, character: barney stinson, location: the bar, ted mosby: architect, season: 6, year: 2010, character: ted mosby, type: picspam, relationship: barney/ted
snickerdoodles wrote in dailyhowimet Nov 30, 2010 19:38
character: lily aldrin, relationship: marshall/ted, lol: star wars, ted mosby: architect, season: 6, character: marshall eriksen, year: 2010, character: ted mosby, episode: 6x03 unfinished, type: picspam, lol: marshall, location: the apartment